Thursday, November 8, 2007 November

Here are pictures of our Halloween adventures!

We went to a Halloween party on the 27th. Jonny dressed up as Obi-Wan Kenobi (with a hand made costume, I might add!) and his super cool spring action lightsaber - even blue, like Obi-Wan's. I was "Arena Padme" from Episode 2. The party was so fun! The pictures below are pretty self-explanatory, except for one. A friend dressed up as Smurfette, and that's right after the pie eating contest.

The night before Halloween, Jonny and I decided to go get pumpkins! We stopped at a local pumpkin patch (because I have something against buying them at a grocery store...) and picked some up. Lily decided she would much rather sleep than pick out pumpkins.

Here are some pics of Lily and her cousin Christian in their matching cowboy outfits! So cute!

On November 5, we finally got around to carving our pumpkins! Sad, I know. But that's life. So we carved them while Lily slept and we watching Heroes and Journeyman. Here they are! For you Homestar Runner fans out there, you should know what these are! We drew a H*R and Homestar running on Lily's little pumpkin. For those of you who don't know what Homestar Runner is, you should! go here.


  1. I love how you are doing the pictures, it's so cute and creative! Those are amazing pumpkin carvings also!

  2. We miss you guys sooo much!!! We are such bums for being so busy!!! We have to visit soon!!! Lily is getting too big too fast.

  3. Lorna! It is so nice to hear from you! I haven't seen/spoken to you in a long time. Your baby looks so adorable! My due date is May 4th, but hopefully he/she will come out before that. I talked to Lisa P. and she told me that you had a blog, but couldn't find it until now. I hope all is well.
